Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Technology And Its Effects On Our Lives - 1402 Words
Everyday technology is manipulated and used by many people around the world. Technology describes the usage of technical means to interact with life, society, and environment, through an electronical device that is applied by science. Many people are slowly becoming attached to technology and relying on more of these resources because it makes their life easier. However, technology is slowly hurting a ton of people by being smartphone dependent, reducing our communication skills and disabling people from being productive. Many people are dependent on their smartphones. First of all, various who uses these cell phones are regularly on it twenty four- seven. These problems arise on ignoring the people nearby and not paying attention to the surroundings while they are moving from one place to another. Additionally, smartphones are slowly transitioning to a life where everyone will have a need for them and rely on them for any problem that arises in their life. People will stop relying on other people’s opinion, but depend on their smartphones for answers. Also, smartphones are becoming more advanced with the limitless supply of better quality phones, accessibility to Internet, different apps, and other entertainment. As a result, the numerous commodities present in the technological development of smartphones is a distraction to everyone who uses one. The evolution from the first cell phone called the handheld Motorola to the unbreakable Nokia then the flip phones and theShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Effect On Our Lives1199 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology is helping us to advance in the world. When we talk about technology, most people’s first thoughts would be about phones, laptops, the internet etc. This is because every single argument I found against technology is talking about how we waste so much time on devices and how it is ruining human interactions and real life communication. What they don’t know is that while it does do all of these things, there are some good things that technology has brought upon us. Some examples are thatRead MoreEffects Of Technology On Our Lives1065 Words  | 5 PagesWe live in an age where technology is practically unavoidable if you live in a developed area. We don’t realize how much we really rely on technology in almost every facet of our lives. It’s a known fact that it is almost inevitable it will keep advancing, which is imperative to our development; but what about its social effects? There is no doubt in anybody’s mind that technology has definitely helped keep people in better contact than ever before, but the in-person interaction has actually hadRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Our Lives864 Words  | 4 Pages Technology We live in a society that is completely obsessed with the invention of technology, which has both a negative or positive effect on our lives. Technology has taken over the twenty first century, showing us how powerful it actually can be. Coming in contact with the invention of technology every day, it is hard not to excel in how to operate it. Once we have accomplished how to properly perform the duties on certain technology, we may become more addicted to it although most of usRead MoreTechnology And Its Effects On Our Lives Essay1792 Words  | 8 PagesEveryday technology is manipulated and used by many people around the world. Technology describes the usage of technical means to interact with life, society, and environment, through an electronic device that is applied by science. Many people are slowly becoming attached to technology and relying on more of these resources because it makes their life easier. However, technology is slowly hurting a ton of people by being smartph one dependent, reducing our communication skills and disabling peopleRead MoreTechnology And Its Effects On Our Lives1499 Words  | 6 PagesNeuroimaging technology Madeline Johnson 242015 ECH 2025 001 As time has advanced so has technology; the world has watches that along with telling what time it is the watch also tells us who is calling us and how we slept at night. Along with so many other amazing inventions for our daily life there have been miraculous milestones with our neuroimaging inventions; scans range from being able to tell us where our brain is functioning during a task to allowing us to catch diseases such as cancerRead MoreEffects Of Technology On Our Lives1679 Words  | 7 Pagespeople use technology eleven hours of the average waking hours of sixteen to eighteen. That is sixty one to sixty eight percent of waking time on technology. Overuse of any thing is unhealthy, especially overuse with so many adverse effects. Technology has three main categories of unhealthy effects. Physical, Mental/Emotional, and Social/Environmental. Because of its wide range of unhealthy effects on several aspects of life its use should be limited. Technology has unhealthy effects on many aspectsRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Our Lives1756 Words  | 8 PagesI. INTRODUCTION In this day and age, advanced innovation changes so quickly and incorporates into our general public at such a quickened rate, it is difficult to stay aware of it, not to mention consider the impacts it has on our lives. In spite of the fact that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter did not exist a simple decade prior, they are presently pervasive types of media and correspondence in our way of life. Today s era of young people, conceived in the 1990s, apropos named the iGenerationRead MoreThe Effects Of Technology On Our Social Lives1166 Words  | 5 PagesOur generation is one defined by technology. Every day advances in cellphones, computers, cameras, medical technology, and much more are being made. Because of technology, the way we live our lives, and the way the world functions is vastly different than it used to be. One might argue that all of this technology is making our lives easier, and therefore, better. However, people do not realize all that we are losing, as we gain techn ological knowledge. In the eighties having a cellphone was a luxuryRead MoreEffects Of Technology And Media On Our Lives958 Words  | 4 PagesEffects of Technology and Media in our lives With the advancement in media and technology, almost anything is possible nowadays. Looking back a couple years ago, people did no have cellphones, computers or televisions to occupy and make their lives easier. With the development of these products and more, people are able to communicate and do work much faster and more efficiently. Society has come a long way with technology and media and to say that there are no negatives to them would be falseRead MoreThe Effects Of Media And Technology On Our Lives1828 Words  | 8 Pagesyou can to survive. Notice, I stressed the word â€Å"seem†, because I want us to explore the current generation of growing African American males and the effect of media and technology in their lives. Studies show that media images have a large impact on perceptions when the viewers have less real world experience with the topic. In an age where technology brings together different ideals, cultures and belief systems through the Internet and soc ial media, one can assume that accurate stories are being
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Polio Vaccine Through The Eyes Of Its Creator
Academy of Achievement. â€Å"The Calling to Find a Cure.†Academy of Achievement. (accessed November 18, 2009) â€Å"The Calling to Find a Cure†provided an informative interview with Jonas Salk. It told the story of the creation of the polio vaccine through the eyes of its creator. Salk also describes his childhood and the events that lead up to his medical breakthrough. Latour, Bruno , Steve Woolgar, and Jonas Salk. Introduction. Laboratory Life. 1986.Reprint. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. 11. Print. It showed the way that Jonas Salk studied polio and how he came to the conclusion that the vaccine was correct. He also taught that it is a life taking job and that polio vaccine was a difficult task but a successful one. Salgado, Sebastiao. The End of Polio: A Global Effort to End a Disease. Illustrated edition Ed. New York: Bulfinch, 2003. Print. This shows pictures of the terrifying times that many went through with polio. It brings in reality by putting a visual image on the subject. After understanding these photos, it is known that polio was and is completely preventable. Secondary Sources â€Å"Albert B. Sabin.†American History. ABC-CLIO, 2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. The article â€Å"Albert B. Sabin†expands the history of the polio vaccine and provided more information about the man who created the oral, live- virus vaccine. This is important because without Albert B. Sabin’sShow MoreRelatedPolio Is Made From The Pigs Of Monkeys1336 Words  | 6 Pages In 1976, Dr. Jonah Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used in the 1950s, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively from the 1960s-2000s in the U.S.) was the â€Å"principle if not sole cause†of all reported polio cases since 1961 in the United States. Polio is made from the kidneys of monkeys. Mostly, they use wild caught Green Monkeys, the primate choice for making the polio vaccination. It was discovered that the monkeys had a virus called SV-40, a simian virus, was rampantRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words  | 339 Pagestraction in the market. But the better you are at asking the (continued) 100092 00a 001-014 INT r1 go.qxp 5/13/11 9:53 AM Page 10 10 INTRODUCTION right questions, engaging in the right observations, eliciting ideas and feedback through networking with the right people, and running experiments, the less likely you are to fail. Third, we spotlight different innovators and innovative companies to illustrate key ideas or principles, but not to set them up as perfect examples of how
Monday, December 9, 2019
Computer Security Regarding the Submarine
Question: Describe about the Computer Security for Regarding the Submarine. Answer: Part A: Computer Security Breach leads to leakage of Sensitive Submarine Information This report critically analyses the incident of security breach that has resulted in leaking of sensitive information about the Scorpene submarine that has been designed by France (Can French keep a secret?, 2016). There is no more serious incident than disclosure of the stealth secret of a country. Hence the report will focus on the questions like how did the incident occur, why did it occur and the possible solutions to the leak. A.1) The Problem The author Cameron Stewart discuss in The Australian about the latest security breach which has made sensitive information regarding the Scorpene submarine public. A submarine technology is as effective as the amount of stealth and secret it can maintain. The leaked DCNA (Direction des Constructions Navales) documents carry bolt to bolt details about the submarines capability and combat abilities along with the weaknesses (Scorpne data leak: Who is responsible for the massive information security breach? - Firstpost, 2016). The major victims of the leak are India, Malaysia, Chile and Brazil who operate the Scorpene submarine. The breach will compromise the security of the six submarine fleet that is maintained by India. This incident will further deteriorate the security condition of the country. The project that has been valued more than 3.5 billion USD was being built at Mumbai docks. The deal was inked in 2005 and leaked document shows a detailed technical specification which wil l make it easier to detect the Scorpene submarine (Joseph, 2016). A.2) How and Why did the breach happen The data and the documents that reached The Australian via mail did not contain any detail regarding the submarine. The Australian made the news public as Australia has contracted DCNS for building Shortfin Barracuda Submarines. The leak happened at the DCNS side as it contained sensitive information about other frigates and amphibious ships which have been planned to be sold to Chile and Russia. The document that has been leaked is the year 2011 document that has been used as framework for building the submarines. The leak not only have created security risk for the buyers but has also defamed the suppliers and its subcontractors. The latest leak has been attributed to lesser awareness of the contractors about the IP (Intellectual Property) protection. DCNSs leak is an eye opener that IP in this modern world of connectivity is hard to maintain and should be taken seriously (French submarine maker data breach highlights challenges of IP security, 2016). DCNS also claim that it has be en a victim of economic warfare, and it is for sure that after this incident there are few people who will trust company with their sensitive information. Various reasons have been attributed to the security breach like lack of awareness about the IP protection and data classification and protection. Intellectual Property (IP) protection is a very difficult task as it involves various stages of security involved for the protection and maintenance. Since today due to interconnectivity everything is connected to every other thing maintaining the security has become tougher. Maintaining IP is more difficult compared to other data because these data are extremely unstructured (French submarine maker data breach highlights challenges of IP security, 2016). Apart from being unstructured the work upon it is done in various segments so the full value of the data often goes unrealised by the individual working upon it. It should also be understood that the failure to understand the importance of data classification and its protection too gives rise to security breaches. If the data is not classified according to its importance and security implication, it is bound to be grouped with lesser important files which will result in access to data by unwanted personnel or hackers thus leading to leakage of information (Barile, 2014). A.3) The possible solutions There is no definite outcome for internet security breaches as the hackers and personnel do evolve with the increasing security. But the task for them can be made harder. One possible solution for the problem could be restructuring architecting the security from the very beginning. So that the security is designed to be hard to crack, easy for upkeep and recovery is smooth (StjepandiĆ¡ Liese Trappey 2015). The segmented approach will go a long way in preventing the data. Alarms can be embedded into the system to show any movement of data. The importance of data should be well understood and the classification and segmentation should be for a better understanding of security. Hence, the various aspects of the computer security have been discussed. The recent incident related to a computer security breach in France which has resulted in the release of sensitive information about submarines has been analyzed. The questions like how and why were answered and solutions were pro vided for restricting such breaches. Part B: The Anthem Medical Data Breach B.1) Problem Statement An American healthcare company Anthem Inc. which was founded in the 1940s was hacked in 2015. Anthem Inc. on 4th, Feb 2015 disclosed the fact about the network security breach that has led to the theft of 37.5 million records containing user information from its server. On a later day in February, the company further increased the number, of records that were stolen, to 78.8 million. According to the information provided by the organization the security breach compromised records of various brands of the company like Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shields, etc. The company further confirmed that the breach didn't compromise with the financial data and the medical information of the members and patients. But other details like names, e-mail IDs, medical IDs, birthdays, social security numbers, income data, employment information, have been compromised and according to the report in The New York Times' could be used for identity theft. To prevent victimization, the firm has asked the persons to be careful regarding their accounts as vigilance might help to reduce the damage of identity theft. B.2) Affected People According to the data released by the company 78.8 million people have been affected by the theft. If the data USA Today are to be believed, then the number of affect mass could increase to 80 million. The data that has been compromised include every data needed for identity theft like name, social security number, etc. The stolen data of 80 million people could be used for identity theft hence making a large populace vulnerable to identity cloning. Identity theft is a deliberate use of others identity to gain financial advantages. Hence it can be easily understood that people whose details have been compromised are living in fear. The organization Anthem Inc. also maintains thousands of HighMark customers whose information was compromised. The CEO of the company addressed the sufferers of the incident and apologized for the same, thus creating a lot of fuss about the issue. The breach has shaken the investor confidence, and the company has been struggling to maintain the market share that it previously had. The customers too have been skeptical about the security policies of the company and fears investing with it. Although no incident of identity theft has been recorded till now due to the security breach but the possibility and the impact of the breach has been profound. B.3) Details of Attack Carried Out The company was on its way to implementing two-tier securities before which the breach totally took the IT expert of the company by shock. As per the report by J. K. Wall, as soon as the security breach was found all the system with a single level of safety was shut down. Before the attack, only individual level authentication was done by recording the username and password, so hackers acquired the combination of two and started the breach for weeks. Although at final stages hacker had all the information needed for accessing the sensitive data, the company is still not sure about the source of the initial breach. Every company makes a trade-off between the ease of handling system and the involved security for making the system both easy to use and user-friendly. This can result in minor challenges for the system which the hackers use to gain access to the network. The data about the patients constituted around 35 GB of disc space and was moved in small chunks to avoid unwanted attention and had been done for weeks to before the breach was noticed. B.4) Possible Solution to Prevent the Attack It had been mentioned in the previous section that the IT experts were just a few weeks away from implementing a two-tier security system. Once the system was in place, the hackers might not have been able to breach the security. So it can be easily understood that single level security is unsafe, and a multi-level security is the need of the time. Apart from multi-level security, the IT professionals should be more proactive to stop any attack on the system. According to The LA Times initial attempts of hacking were detected and deflected, but the final one went unnoticed for six weeks. It is estimated that the hacker was extremely persistent and might have gained access to the system using phishing on of the IT managers. References Anthem data breach could affect affiliate customers, including Highmark. (2016).Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Barile, I., Wootton, B., Kessler, D., Upadhyay, R. (2014).U.S. Patent No. 8,695,090. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Can French keep a secret?. (2016) Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Data Breach at Health Insurer Anthem Could Impact Millions Krebs on Security. (2016) Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Details of Anthem's massive cyber attack remain in the dark a year later. (2016).Modern Healthcare. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Forbes Welcome. (2016) Retrieved 25 August 2016, from French submarine maker data breach highlights challenges of IP security. (2016).ComputerWeekly. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Goldstein, R. (2016).Millions of Anthem Customers Targeted in Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Joseph, J. (2016).Scorpene data leak Not a tight ship, submarine project leaked like a sieve.The Hindu. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Riley, C. (2016).Insurance giant Anthem hit by a massive data breach.CNNMoney. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Scorpne data leak: Who is responsible for the massive information security breach? - Firstpost. (2016).Firstpost. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from StjepandiĆ¡, J., Liese, H., Trappey, A. J. (2015). Intellectual property protection. InConcurrent Engineering in the 21st Century(pp. 521-551). Springer International Publishing. The massive breach at health care company Anthem Inc.. (2016).USA TODAY. Retrieved 25 August 2016, from Times, L. (2016).Anthem is warning consumers about its huge data breach. Here's a Retrieved 25 August 2016, from
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Effects Of Social Media On Teenagers Essay Sample free essay sample
As parents. we strive twenty-four hours in and twenty-four hours out to supply healthy repasts. drive our childs to soccer pattern. cheer at the games ; go to parent-teacher meetings at school and learn them to state â€Å"no†to drugs and other bad wonts. While we are busy covering all the rudimentss of being a good parent. we can be far excessively unmindful of the effects the societal media is holding on kids. Childs today are as technologically connected as anyone on the planet has of all time been. They have entree to societal media like Facebook and Twitter and they can be able to chew the fat in existent clip with their friend who are a 1000 stat mis off. Assorted studies suggest that about 83 per centum of American youth use their phones for electronic mail. nomadic cyberspace and texting. The study further provinces that these American teens send and receive text messages 144 times a twenty-four hours. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects Of Social Media On Teenagers Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If the teens are non texting. they are normally on societal networking sites like Facebook and Twitter where they chat. portion exposures and picture and take part in gambling. The negative effects of being this â€Å"plugged in†is get downing to take tremendous consequence on childs. Because societal interaction comes overpoweringly on-line instead than face to face. American young person are demoing terrible deficiency of societal accomplishments. They are frequently more comfy with engineering than they are with speaking to people. They have non learned the proper communicating and conversation accomplishments. how to cover with interpersonal state of affairss and how to day of the month and acquire to cognize other people behind the screen. Research workers have found that the middle-school. high school and college pupils who used Facebook at least one time during a 15 minute period acquire lower classs overall. Many teens normally spend insomniac darks on societal media without the cognition of their parents. The break of slumber has had inauspicious effects on the teens. It has led to instances of insomnia. temper swings. attending shortages at school and increased fleshiness merely to advert a few. These are some of the serious negative effects of societal media on adolescents and issues that are originating with childs frequently addicted to Facebook. With such overpowering grounds of the negative effects of societal media on our kids. why so. are many parents non taking more action to protect their kids? There possibly are three major grounds: 1 ) Parents are incognizant of the issues involved in the on-line connexions. While childs are plugged in to societal media. merely approximately 40 % of parents are involved themselves. Parents may non be cognizant of their children’s â€Å"pages†and don’t to the full understand privateness policies and they don’t recognize what sorts of public posters are taking topographic point. affecting their kids. 2 ) Parents don’t want to interfere in their children’s societal lives. Most parents want their kids to be popular. accepted and bask a happy societal life. Parents sometimes concern themselves with children’s â€Å"rights†– their right to privateness and their right to interact in today’s popular forums. Parents want to let their kids to be every bit connected as the other childs they associate with. and so they tell themselves that everything is ok. 3 ) Parents are afraid to take a base. Many of â€Å"modern†parents are going apathetic to the existent dangers that excessively much societal media can show to their kids. They don’t want to force their teens off and so they allow their engagement in societal media to travel unbridled instead than do a â€Å"big deal†out of it. The jobs this new on-line society creates are non traveling off and will go on to turn. Parents must acquire off the out of boundss and acquire involved! Parents have the duty to protect their kids and be cognizant of what is trave ling on in the on-line universe. Investigate and assist your kid adjust privateness scenes. Be cognizant of who can see what they post. and what is being posted about them. Take with them about online safety. Make certain your teens have plentifulness of offline clip as good. Restrict the times and frequence of on-line interaction. * Place all phones in the moorage station at dark where they are required to remain until everyone foliages for work and school in the forenoon. * Consider leting siblings to portion a phone they can â€Å"checks out†from ma or pa. * Create family-determined â€Å"unplugged†hours when kids can take part in other activities such as out-of-door games. reading. speaking. playing together. etc. Social media has a enormous consequence on us today. but with parental engagement and kids’ cooperation. the effects can be positive for everyone. hypertext transfer protocol: //johnlusher. com/the-negative-effects-of-social-media-to-teena The Negative Effectss of Social Media to Adolescents Do you hold a adolescent? Do you patrol their usage of societal media or restrict how much clip they spend on societal sites? We are pleased to supply this invitee station by Agnes Embile Jimenez. a blogger that does work with The Family Compass. The Negative Effectss of Social Media to Adolescents Whether we choose to acknowledge it or non. societal media may bring forth a overplus of negative effects on adolescents today. With the Internet and smart phone. they have changeless entree to societal media webs. Although many parents dismiss their teenager’s issues as portion of the adolescent phase. they need to accept the fact that their teens may be traveling through more than they let on. Here are a few of the possible inauspicious effects that societal media may do on teens. Image courtesy of Flickr via Creative Common License.Covetousness and GreedRandy is a adolescent from an upper-middle category household. He invariably uploads a exposure of his new acquisitions online for the universe to see. Mike is from a low category vicinity. He follows Randy’s web log and looks up to him. He is bombarded daily by all the nice things that Randy has. These are things that he can non afford. and he knows that his parents have other things to worry approximately. He is apprehended go forthing a shop one hebdomad subsequently seeking to steal a brace of places merely like the 1s Randy has. While some teens may non make what Mike does. they see other adolescents who have more. This creates a sense of dissatisfaction in them. They are less likely to speak about it to their parents unless the subject is brought up. Negative Influence Kim watched her favourite world show on Television. The lead character is promiscuous. cattie and prone to violent pique fits. She does disgraceful things on the show and dresses fashionably. Kim idolizes her and attempts to emulate the character’s manner sense and behaviour. She gets suspended from school for get downing a battle with another miss over a cat. Some teens may believe that certain behaviour is acceptable because they see it on world shows. They tend to follow what their favourite Television personality does. They fail to recognize that these shows are scripted. Unfortunately. many do non recognize it until it is excessively late. Self-Hate Marcy wants to be a theoretical account when she grows up. She is witting of her fittingness and attempts to stay slender like the theoretical accounts she idolizes. She looks for tips online about how to remain thin. Marcy read about eating upsets and decided to go anorectic. A twelvemonth subsequently. she looks so bony and hebdomad. Her household tries to acquire her to see a counsellor. but she refuses. Many misss forget that their favourite famous persons have personal trainers and that most of their figures are airbrushed to flawlessness. They take on drastic steps to look like the misss they see on societal media sites. Bulimia and anorexia are eating upsets that require intense guidance. Many parents may non be cognizant that their kid has an eating upset until it is excessively late. While societal media has many positive effects. it is of import to be wary about what your teens have entree to. Bing a parent to a adolescent might be a dashing undertaking. However. with entre e to sites like The Family Compass – assisting Teens find their manner is easier than it was earlier. hypertext transfer protocol: //cbexpress. acf. Department of Health and Human Services. gov/index. cfm? event=website. viewArticles A ; issueid=142 A ; articleid=3729 Impact of Social Media on Teens’ Well-BeingA study by Common Sense Media’s Program for the Study of Children and Media nowadayss informations from a quantitative survey focused on understanding American teens’ perceptual experience of societal media. The survey examined adolescent perceptual experiences of societal media’s function in their lives and its consequence on their societal and emotional wellbeing. Harmonizing to the study. 90 per centum of American teens use some signifier of societal media. In early 2012. study informations were gathered from a nationally representative sample of 1. 030 13- to 17-year olds to obtain a snapshot of teenage societal media usage. Survey consequences were extended. but four cardinal findings stood out: * The huge bulk of adolescents in the United States are devouring. day-to-day societal media users. * Teenss are more likely to describe that utilizing societal media has a positive influence on their societal and emo tional lives than a negative 1. * Despite societal media’s pervasiveness. most teens prefer face-to-face communicating. and many young person recognize that societal media hinders this interaction. * A big figure of teens expressed a desire to unplug or â€Å"unplug†more frequently and understand that others near to them experience the same manner. This emerging phenomenon has deductions in the kid public assistance sphere. The study reveals that: * Most teens believe that their societal networking sites have small impact. positive or negative. on their societal and emotional public assistance. Approximately 70-80 per centum of respondents reported that their usage of societal media does non by and large act upon their dignity. assurance. how popular they feel. or their degree of empathy felt for others. * Fifteen to 30 per centum of teens stated that societal networking did hold a positive consequence on their societal and emotional well-beingâ€â€they reported experiencing less diffident. more outgoing. more self-assured. more popular. more sympathetic to others. and better about themselves. * A much smaller per centum of respondents. about 5 per centum. reported t hat societal media made them experience more down. less popular. less confident. and worse about themselves. Research workers besides examined the perceptual experiences of heavy societal media users with those of other teens less active in societal networking. Overall. both groups of teens reported a high degree of societal and emotional wellbeing.
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